The Golden Thread of Universal Truth 4 part Series

This four part video series The Golden Thread of Universal Truth features messages and mediations on the topics of Unity’s relationship with Christianity, demystifying eastern religions, interfaith and Unity, and having a direct experience of the Truth. See my introductory video (below) and click here for purchase information and detailed descriptions of each series as well as other speaker series offered by Unity Eastern religions.

“The Golden Thread of Universal Truth”

A NEW Special Speaker Series Available Today!

Rev. Paul John Roach has created for us his new Special Speaker Series “The Golden Thread of Universal Truth.” These videos are being offered in the same format as our previous Special Speaker Series — four (4) talks/meditations of approximately 30 minutes each to be purchased as a group on a sliding scale basis. Please watch the video below to hear directly from Rev. Paul about the series and what you can expect to experience.

Introduction Video to Golden Thread of Universal Truth


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