Loving Out Loud by New York Times bestseller, author Robyn Spizman
Loving out Loud- the power of a kind word with New York Times bestseller, author Robyn Spizman
Loving out Loud- the power of a kind word with New York Times bestseller, author Robyn Spizman
DOES FREE WILL EXIST? A truism states that, “There’s more going on than meets the eye.” We cannot always rely on the evidence of our senses or even the thoughts and feelings of our body and mind. Experiences happen that make us question our belief in a three-dimensional linear reality. Here are some examples.
On Being Present: Achieving the Freedom of Now An Idea That Crosses All Traditions. The Sufis say one clear moment is all it takes. The Zen tradition asks the challenging question, “What in this moment is missing?” Jesus continually spoke of the kingdom of wholeness and perfection as an ever-present reality.
Seeking For Dannie Abse, Welsh poet, writer, physician. 1923-2014 Seeking a deeper sensibility Like Dannie Abse’s, I jettison the chaos of memory For the right word And the right resonance, The psychological deep end That refracts A swimmer, Forgetting how to swim, A child, In the boots of age, Wryly recording What looks like a […]
Just Enough-Vegan recipes and stories from Japan’s Buddhist temples with former Buddhist nun, author, meditation teacher and cook, Gesshin Claire Greenwood.