Rev. Paul John Roach, Senior Minister
On this community Sunday we enjoyed a reading of More Bears as well as a talk on laughter followed by a laughing meditation. It was a buoyant and enthusiastic day.
Rev. Paul John Roach, Senior Minister
On this community Sunday we enjoyed a reading of More Bears as well as a talk on laughter followed by a laughing meditation. It was a buoyant and enthusiastic day.
We investigate the nature of commitment and dedication and their power in our lives. We reference Charles and Myrtle Fillmore, Jesus and Milarepa.
We explore ways we are in some sense asleep and how to wake up to our spiritual inheritance by asking the crucial words, ‘Who am I?’ We reference the wisdom of Ramana Maharishi and Ken Wilber.
We investigate why gratitude, thanksgiving and praise are keys to set us free, attract our good, and help us overcome all difficulties.
We look at the experience of epiphany in science, philosophy, spirituality and everyday life and offer five approaches to making ourselves available for an epiphany or breakthrough moment.
In this Rock & Roll Sunday message we explore interdependence and offer 12 spiritual gems from world spiritual traditions as inspiration.