In this message we unpack Revelation 2:12-17 and decipher its message of victory for us as we focus on the word on our White Stone.
In this message we unpack Revelation 2:12-17 and decipher its message of victory for us as we focus on the word on our White Stone.
Referencing The Who, Byron Katie, Zen teachings, St. Paul and Jesus we explore the idea of choice and freedom as we conduct our annual Burning Bowl Ceremony.
Following the journey of the Wise Men we investigate the nature of guidance and how to trust it.
A discussion of Christmas Spirituality with Fort Worth Podcaster, Jeff Lord.
On this fourth Sunday of Advent we look at the significance of the stable, its various symbols that represent aspects of us, and the deeper meaning of what happened.
We explore the nature of the spiritual journey which is our willingness to be present to life. We examine journeys – inner and outer.