The Hero’s Journey 1: Leaving
We begin our four part series on the hero’s journey by discussing the call to adventure and our willingness to leave our comfort zone for new possibilities.
We begin our four part series on the hero’s journey by discussing the call to adventure and our willingness to leave our comfort zone for new possibilities.
Referencing the Book of Habakkuk and the writings of Bob Dylan we explore how to climb the watchtower of awareness and clarify our vision for our lives.
The third in our series on being true in our thoughts, words and deeds. This week we explore how to sanctify our actions so that they are helpful and effective.
We explore the power of words to hurt or heal and how harnessing our creative words can have a powerful effect on ourselves and our world.
Join Rev. Paul John Roach as we discuss being impeccable and in full integrity in our thoughts.
A discussion of nonresistance, surrender, and letting go.